Speakers at ENGINE2023 for electrochemistry courses, seminars, and invited talks will be given by professors, assistant professors, and research scientists at the forefront of innovation and research in the fields of materials science and electrochemistry for energy storage applications.
The speakers, in alphabetical order, are listed below :
- Antoire Bonnefont. Prof., Grenoble Institute of Technology
- Marian Chatenet. Prof., Grenoble Institute of Technology
- Jonathan Deseure. Associate Prof., Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Didier Devaux. Scientist, CNRS
- Florence Druart. Associate Prof., Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Cristina Iojoiu. Director of Research, CNRS
- Saïd Sadki, Prof., Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Didier Blanchard. Business developer in battery application
- Daniel Chatroux. Scientist, CEA-LITEN (DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SAMA/LAEH)
- Didier Devaux. Scientist, CNRS
- Peter Holtappels. Scientist, KIT (Germany)
- Jérôme Laurencin. Director of Research, CEA-LITEN (CEA/LITEN/DTCH)
- Olivier Lottin. Professeur Univ. Lorraine
- Nicolas Murer. Research engineer , BioLogic co.
- Saïd Sadki, Prof., Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Irune Villaluenga. Research scientist, Polymat (Spain)
- and ESRF beamline scientists.